Everyone knows that eating a good mix of vitamins and minerals is vital for optimum health, but did you know that these nutrients are just as essential for your dental health? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 47.2% of American adults . But with the right vitamin and mineral consumption and effective dental care, could be significantly improved.

A steady dose of fluoride
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water which your teeth rely heavily on as research has found that it can reduce the rate of cavities by 60%. 95% of all leading brands of toothpaste contain fluoride and there are also prescription only ones available for those who need extra protection against cavities. Fluoride Alert details a whole host of ways in which you increase your fluoride consumption, including consuming processed foods and drinks, drinking tea, eating products which have been treated with a fluoride pesticide, such as, dried fruit and cocoa powder .

Calcium and vitamin D
Calcium is well documented for keeping muscles, joints, and bones strong, but it’s just as powerful in protecting your teeth. Calcium by replacing lost calcium particles. Therefore, it’s essential that your diet is packed full of dairy products, tinned salmon, almonds and dark green leafy vegetables. You’ll also need to keep your vitamin D intake high as this helps calcium absorption. Vitamin D is absorbed from sun exposure, and from eating a healthy diet of fatty fish, foods which have been fortified with vitamin D such as cereals and egg yolks.

Don’t forget phosphorus
Phosphorus is the second largest mineral found in the body, with 85% of it found in the teeth and bones alone. It works hand in hand with calcium and vitamin D to keep your teeth healthy and looking good. As long as you’re eating a well-balanced diet you should be consuming enough phosphorus to keep your dental hygiene in top condition. However, if you’re looking to up your intake of phosphorus- rich foods turkey, tuna, and sunflower seeds all rank highly. These high protein foods help to boost the absorption of this vital mineral.
To keep your teeth healthy you must ensure you look after them by following a good hygiene routine. However, the vitamin and minerals you consume play a pivotal role, too. In order to keep your teeth strong, healthy and pearly white fluoride, calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus are a must.

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