How Aging Affects Oral Health

Getting older doesn’t have to mean losing teeth or developing dental disease. At Cobblestone Park Family Dental, we are devoted to helping our patients enjoy great oral health at any age, including well into their retirement. However, the effects of the aging process do present a few unique ora...

Flyer’s Toothache

Once referred to as “flyer’s toothache,” barodontalgia is defined as tooth pain occurring with changes in ambient pressure. It usually occurs in people who fly or dive. It can develop in conjunction with sinusitis, and in teeth experiencing pulpitis after restorative treatment, new and recu...

Fixing a “Gummy Smile”

Do you feel your teeth are overshadowed by prominent gums? If so, you may have what many people refer to as a “gummy smile,” excessive gum tissue or a hyperactive upper lip. Although typically a benign issue, a gummy smile can have a significant impact on one’s smile and self-confidence. Ab...